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What is Muay Thai?
Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand and is commonly referred to as "Thai boxing" or "Thai Kickboxing". It is a martial arts in where you can use 8 weapons; two hands, two elbows, two knees and two feet. 

How do you pronounce Muay Thai?
The word "Muay" is pronounce like "moy" (rhymes with boy or soy). Muay Thai is frequently miss-pronounced in Australia with many Aussies calling it "Moo Thai"🐄 or "Mai Thai" 🍹

Can anyone train Muay Thai?

We have children's classes in two age groups.
3-5 years (Mini Muay Thai) every Tuesday at 3:45pm-4:15pm. 
6-14 years (Junior Muay Thai) every Tuesday and Thursday 4:15pm-5:00pm.

What is Mini Muay Thai?

Our 30 minute class is a fun, games based class focusing on coordination, balance, concentration and basic Muay Thai techniques. The class is taught by Coach Jessie. She is a 2x Australian and 2x Queensland champion and a mother of two. We also have Coach Jessie's son Maisun and Coach Paul's son Tristan helping out. 

My child is a complete beginner, can they join?

Our Muay Thai classes are for children 6 to 14 year olds.

The classes are is split into two groups, "olders" and "youngens" for our technique part of the class. This way our coaches can tailor the technique to your Childs age and development. Meaning the older ones do more advanced techniques and the youngens focusing on the fundamentals as well as kicks, knees and punches. 

Will my child get hit in the face?

At our Muay Thai and Boxing gym, we prioritise safety and skill-building over everything else. Our classes are low-contact, and we focus on developing a variety of skills, as well as strength and conditioning. Once your child is competent at Muay Thai, we will allow them to spar with the proper protection and guidance.

For children under 12 years old, we only do body sparring and no strikes to the face/head.

Do you have a children's competition team?

We do! They train 3 times a week. Two of the regular Muay Thai kids classes and an invitation only class on a Friday. Coach Paul will invite your child to this class when they have expressed interest in competing and he feels they are ready.

My child wants to compete. Do you offer this?

We have a process for this to ensure your child is ready with the correct skills to strike and most importantly; defend themselves. 

What do I bring and wear to my first class?

If you own boxing gloves then bring them along, if not we have some you can hire. Wear comfortable active wear. Muay Thai is done barefoot so not specific shoes are required. Once your child has enrolled in the class, you will need to purchase a uniform. 

Ok, I'm interested in enrolling my child/children. How do I do this?

We recommend booking a free trial class for your child by clicking the booking button below. After that we can run you through the enrolment process. 

Kids Muay Thai Cairns
Kids Muay Thai classes in Cairns
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